About Us

Our Mission

The Science and Discovery Center of Northwest Florida will educate and inspire children through hands-on, interactive exhibits and programs that promote discovery of science, and ignite imagination.

Our History

In 1967, Junior Women’s Club and the Women’s Club of Panama City conceived the idea for a children’s museum in Bay County. Other civic organizations and many volunteers joined with them over the years to develop the museum into what it is today. The first exhibit opened in 1969 in a farmer’s market building that an elementary school’s kindergarten class shared. The current museum property was first leased from the City of Panama City in 1972. The present building was erected and the first exhibits staged in 1981.

Back in the 60’s, the Junior Museum in Tallahassee sparked an inspirational idea in Eleanor Lewis’ heart. Why not have an adventure place for children to play and learn in Bay County? She shared her vision with the Woman’s Club of Panama City and the Junior Woman’s Club, and they set out to make this dream a reality.

“Eleanor was always great at recruiting volunteers,” commented Julie Cheshire, who has been a major lifeblood of the museum for years. Mrs. Cheshire has a background in history and interior design, and was recruited by Eleanor in the early years.

When asked how Mrs. Lewis was able to motivate so many volunteers, Julie chuckled. “Well, it was just so much fun! We wanted to make exhibits that would be fun for the children and involve them—not just something to look at. Warren Biegler, an engineer, would actually make the exhibits move. We had a Cape Buffalo head for an African exhibit, with the body painted to make it look real. When the children would step on a hidden panel, the buffalo would charge out at them!”

In those early days, all the exhibits were built by the hands of volunteers. Curtis Jackson recalls an early Native American village exhibit. “We went out into the woods and got Saw Palmetto and wood, and built the teepees and all the tools, just the way the Native Americans did, from the things they found,” he related.

As we celebrate 50 years, we give heartfelt thanks to all the dedicated and determined pioneers who, equipped with a passion to make learning fun, poured their hearts and lives into turning a dream into reality for our children.

In June 2010 a new 6,000 square foot Visitor Center and Classroom Building was opened…and thanks to the generosity of this community…was moved into DEBT-FREE! Thank you to all our wonderful donors.

In April 2011 the new name was announced as the Science & Discovery Center of Northwest Florida

Since that time the museum had been successfully working on updating different parts of the museum. In October 2018, we faced what many in Panama City did, the wrath of Hurricane Michael. Unfortunately, the museum suffered immeasurable damage, losing the roof and damaging most of the contents inside. We were determined to overcome this obstacle, worked feverishly to rebuild better than ever, and successfully reopened in May 2021 with many new and exciting exhibits.

2023-2024 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of local individuals who oversee the governance of the Science & Discovery Center. The founding organization and individuals maintain close ties to the science center and continue to provide support, both financially and with numerous volunteer hours.

Board of Directors Emeritus

Eleanor Lewis, Founding Member, Ad Memoriam

Honorary Memebers

Julie Cheshire
Ginny Matson
Richard Millett

Executive Committee

Beverly Rodenbeck, President
Julia Gazagnaire, Secretary
Debra Enfinger, Treasurer
Sarah Guillot Register, Past President
Jessica Heath
Todd Fuder
Matthew Powell
Karen Davis
Eddy Davis

Our Staff

Michelle Smith – Executive Director  Michelle.Smith@sdcnwfl.org

Sue Blei – Academy Director  Sue.Blei@sdcnwfl.org

Jerry Repasy, Greg Sowder – Maintenance

Candice Stump – Front Desk

Academy Preschool Teachers

Christine Benavente
Eteru Cissell
Randi Jo DuBois
Iris Laureano
Loni Reams
Sophia Rodriguez

Explore Your World

Plan a student field trip today.

Member Benefits

Memberships enable the museum to continue growing and serving the community.


  • Adults/Children (2-17) $12         
  • Military & Seniors $11
Bay district school teachers get free admission with school ID
Summer camp information has been posted. Registration starts Tuesday, 3/18!